Better than ever before!
Say Hello to the new CARBON BLACK CONCEPT!

We never stop and always advance – this is our promise and this is why we want to present the improved Carbon Black Tattoo Ink. With a streamlined formula and a more consistent, easier and perfectly balanced range of our black and gray wash tones you can rest assured to work with one of the best black tattoo ink sets in the industry.
Learn more about the specs and details of one of the most multifaceted and best-performing black tattoo ink ranges on the market.

Every skilled tattoo artist knows that black tattoo ink is not only black tattoo ink. With the variety of pigments and other ingredients which can be used to balance viscosity, intensity, fluidity and saturation it is an ambitious challenge to create THE perfect ink every tattoo artist loves. But we mastered this craft and with more than 10 years of experience in the tattoo ink industry we can proudly say that Carbon Black Tattoo Ink is one of the most versatile and best performing black tattoo inks on the market.
With a knowledge base of over 10 years and a pro-active and progressive take on the new European tattoo ink directive REACH, Carbon Black Tattoo Ink is one of the pioneers of the tattoo ink industry. With our chemical-technical background and the ambition to bring a product to the market that not only performs incredibly well in the skin but also aims to comply with all regulatory and legal aspects that are set for tattoo inks, we have not stopped in 2022 with our REACH compliant tattoo inks. All over the year we have continued to develop, adjust and steadily improve where ever it is possible.

So with the new EU compliant Carbon Black we put on the market right at the beginning of 2022 we did not sit down and watch things go. We worked together with fellow tattoo artists and aimed at an even better concept to re-release a streamlined set of 7 black tattoo ink tones which makes it easy for you to use and enjoy Carbon Black. With our new and consolidated second EU REACH compliant tattoo ink formula you will have an even better approach to our balanced collection of filling, lining and shading tattoo inks. No headaches about the right mixing ratios anymore just pure bliss simply picking the right black and graywash shades at any time.
Correct labeling and declaration is essential to meet all demands of REACH regulations in Europe, and by law everybody from manufacturer over the distributors up to the user of tattoo inks is bearing a part of the due diligence.
We want you to rest assured that when selling or using Carbon Black Tattoo Ink you will benefit from custom-labeled products carrying all language relevant information of your country. Also company name and website of the distributor is print on our labels to make the trade and use of our products safe and transparent for everybody.
Additionally every Carbon Black bottle comes with a info leaflet displaying all details in all EU member state languages.
This all will make sure to have a tattoo ink in your hands also your local and national authorities will be happy and satisfied with.

We are REACH compliant and we want you to know and check. This is why we act fully transparent and let you have insight in all necessary documentation to rest assured to use one of the safest tattoo inks on the market. You can download all test reports and other documents here!

Carbon Black is not only a tattoo ink, it is a concept we designed and crafted for you to benefit from years of experience not only in the chemical field but also regarding the requirements and demands of tattoo artists working in the various fields of black and gray tattoo art.
With Carbon Black we are introducing to you three classes with SUMI tones forming the biggest and most versatile one. Our universal LINER and FILLER are designed to match any tattoo style and make using Carbon Black Tattoo Ink a no-brainer.
Carbon Black Tattoo Ink comes in two sizes of 50ml and 100ml, so you can try out or stock up however you want.

SUMI 1 will bring light and super smooth shadings to another level. Make sure to hit fluent and softly saturated gradients in the same way every time you use this finely graded gray wash tone.

This is the source of your well-set light gray wash delicate shadings. All your regular clear and bright silvery shade graduations can be set in the skin with this SUMI 2 color tone.

Well balanced and set in the perfect equilibrium of black pigments and shading solution you can master a huge range of all mid-tone grades. SUMI 3 is your most important gray wash tone to realize all black & gray work.

Looking for strong contrast shadings without giving up to much lightness? With SUMI 4 you make sure to hit the exact spot between featherlight shadings and Dark Art saturation.

Intense and dark shades with a glimpse of skin shining through gives you the possibility to well-saturate your tattoo artworks. Also suitable for light line work to eg. master multi-layered letterings & smooth dark grey lines.

A formula and mixing ratio giving you the change to draw razor-blade sharp lines without blurring. Yes this LINER 6 is making exactly that possible. Goes in smooth, stays in rock solid.